Part A provides inpatient/hospital coverage. If your hospital bill is $100,000, then your share will be $20,000.
Part B provides outpatient/medical coverage. If your doctor’s bill is $200, then your share will be $40.
Part D provides prescription drug coverage. Client age 65 or older, and enrolled in Medicare Part A, B, or C is eligible for MedicarePart D. This is optional though recommended to avoid future penalty when you do decide to purchase it.
Part C offers an alternate way to receive your Medicare benefits . Medicare Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage Plan. Medicare Part C allows private companies contracted by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to offer additional benefit such as dental, vision, hearing aids, over the counter products, and gym membership. You’re eligible for Part C if you are 65 or older, and enrolled in Medicare part A and B.
Part C includes A, B, D, and additional benefits listed above. Instead of paying your share of 20%, you will have copays instead. For example, copay to your doctors could be $5 or $7. There are different copay amounts depending on what type of service such as doctor, hospital, outpatient surgery and other services. There are $0 premium Part C plans, which mean you don’t have to pay any monthly fee to enroll.
Choosing the right Medicare plan can be overwhelming. You need to choose the plan that fits with your individual needs and health conditions. We can assist you in this matter.